I agree with Stonecutter - the cold one unit does not qualify as "hammer". Putting 3 characters in it might make a hammer, but the characters are...
Not sure I'd take the High Elf Mage at all. Why take power dice away from your Slann? If I were to take him, it would be more for the Annulian...
Certainly on the right track! Since you are taking Temple Guard, I would absolutely go with discard 6s over ethereal. Right now, if your Slann is...
Looking at the posts a little more, I think two of just repeated what Ferocious said first.
1. I don't think a size 20 Saurus unit has much value. Bigger is better. But even a big Saurus unit should not be expected to be awesome in...
So how did your game go? I agree with the last advice - lose the spears, lose the cavalry. I'd also drop the Engine myself, because I'd rather...
Played the other game Saturday. Enemy list: Orc level 4 with 4+ ward Black Orc BSB with 4+ ward armour both in 40+ Big'Uns with +1 leadership...
It sounds like you are playing magic completely wrong. Your Power dice and your dispel dice have no connection to each other. In your turn, you...
As was said, your army list was pretty poor for fighting Dwarfs because it was so slow. The TG are a poor choice in general, but so are the size...
There are exactly 4 life spells you want- throne, stone, regrowth, dwellers. Regent has some value for a Slann in a unit, but none for a solo...
8th edition made all cavalry much much worse. Sure, the skinks die in droves, but at 5 points each, that isn't terrible. As long as you take...
You only get "look our sir" from templates, or something that specifically allows "look out sir". Death snipes are not templates and make no...
The above two things do not belong together. Unless you want your lord to be killed for some reason. The Carnosaur is, of course, likely to die,...
Crown of Command. Once the Wyvern (and his magic weapon) was tied up, the Slann was scaring away the squig herd. They didn't want to engage the...
The problem was everything was in combat. There were a couple viable targets for the direct damage after turn 2, but they were far away chasing...
I have actually have two games against Greenskins. The first was last night and the enemy looked like this: Orc Warboss on Wyvern, Sword of...
I'm shocked Gehenna's Golden Hounds does anything for you. Usually it is considered about the worst spell in the lore. It only does 1 hit to a...
Incorrect. See the Errata to page 43.
0+ armour is not allowed, so the shield in that build is purely wasted points.
Whatever you add, it should expand these three units. 20 Saurus should be viable at 1500, but more would be better and 10 TG isn't a worthwhile...