No, you can never choose to not use the ignore miscast ability from throne.
At 1100pts there is no need to take a slann, you would be fine with no magic. I would even say a slann at this low pts level wouldnt be very fun...
Further more you roll your miscast and then decide whether to use cupped hands so throne is niether here nor there. Be aware that most players...
Ok just checking you didnt miss something. I think its a nice list at this points level, you are right you cannot use the shield in combat for AS...
? Sorry to rain on your parade but a slann is the most cost efficient caster in the game, although i too wouldnt bother with olbloods only because...
Three combat blocks?
I drop rocks usually on whatever will be killed outright and then cause the most panic tests (in the movement phase noless) this means that...
What are the temple guard adding? With light you really dont need to take the TG bunker, you could get about 30 saurus for them. The slann could...
Metal isnt amazing but iit is very good when combined with skink armies as it partly covers your weakness (armour). Alot of people use skrox...
A typical life list, ever tried the lore of light? Its alot more fun with lizardmen.
You are only replying to the first post, the OP has since revised his list several times. Try reading the whole thread, your suggestions have...
That list looks rather nice to me, people will automatically tell you to swap out the terradons for camo skinks. Stick to you guns two units of...
I really like this list, i would just make the slann the BSB as the chief will get killed too easily. Most opponents could just run a speedbump...
Doing a low points cost game and playing an all skink army would be a brilliant excuse to do and all skirmisher list. How about this? Scar vet,...
I really depends on what the rest on your army is doing rather than what the enemy is doing, unless you plan on running double slann. Light is...
Actually lizardmen are one of the stronger armies at lower point games, you just need to build the right list. Dwarves can still be a bad match up...
I thought that would be undisputable? Its oen of the many benefits of running a skirmisher bunker, the blast effects are also reduced...
I think you are fighting the dwarf player on his terms. Although your army is fast you still intend to slog across and try and hit him in the...
Hence why i didnt write movement RATE, he would have all the benefits of skirmisher movement (march and reform each turn etc) This would allow him...
I think ultimately the temple guard are not worth it, unless you are playing a life slann in a totally un comped enviroment (and you want to be...