Yeh it seems a shame that although seraphon have such a great variety of models, we're still dependant on one as a must take. Although I suppose...
I'm in the exact same place! Without actually making any purchases yet. I was thinking of 2 x SCB's so I can build both gribblies, however I'm...
Does anyone think a new battletome will be imminent with second edition released or is it still worth getting?
From what I've read the core book seems to contain loads of fluff? Which is a great reason to buy it!! I used to have all the old 6th edition army...
Thanks for all the great advice. The other thing thats really changed for AoS is the books - no longer a codex (fogetten what the fantasy...
Oh and I'm UK - Midlands by the way for any recommendations for shops/brands etc! Thanks again
Thanks for the replies! I have no artistic talent what so ever so it's not that I'll prefer one colour over another. More for ease of use that I...
Afternoon all, My first post! I've been out the game for ages, 10+ years after playing as a youngster and now after dipping in and out of news...