Sounds like a combination of a) someone using a carnosaur right (not trying to kill large block of of infantry) and b) ETC rules helping to keep...
The critical thing here is that all magical suits of armour are clearly labeled light armour or heavy armour. All shields are labeled shields....
Actually I never knew this. But when I went back and check the rules in the BRB, low and behold, they do infact say that when a character is on a...
The problem with running a character on a carnosaur is that he can't join units, meaning he's open to getting sniped, and unless you get him...
Page 6 of the latest FAQ clearly states that remain in play spells don't end when a wizard forgets the spell (or is reduced to wizard level zero)....
Magic resistance works against all damage caused by spells (that you can take a ward save against). Also we'll have to just disagree on the...
Re: The 8e Lizardmen Handbook Definitely agree with people about eh Skavenpelt banner, skaven models only get hatred against the banner bearer,...
Being a jungle, it will be FULL of insects. Being a Warhammer jungle none of them are going to be pleasant. Pretty sure There's a giant wasp...
Thing is, if the spell was going to hit all units in a bubble and also units in combat, why on earth would you make it a direct damage spell? Make...
I used parts from the stegadon kit to make my skink BSB. Infact except for the cloth, the entire model is from the stegadon kit. The main part of...
Unfortunately it's a Direct Damage spell and the rules clearly say that Direct Damage spells have to target things within the front arc. It's...
There's no restrictions on who can take a magic weapon.
From what I remember the Warhammer fantasy world use to be within the 40k universe, but this was retconned to no longer be the case, the two are...
No exactly sure what you're asking here. Firstly you have to place the bloat toad on separate units, the rules say that a single bloat marker can...