Earthblood regen is pretty useless for the slann seeing as he already has a 4 plus ward save
A good reason to take a chief on a ancient steg is if you want 2 ancient stegs but you also want lots of salamanders. Either go cheap with light...
Signature spells is an exception to this rule
Re: A compilation of ways to fight cannons/minimize risk? Read the Random movement rule. You first pivot it in the direction you want it to...
Re: A compilation of ways to fight cannons/minimize risk? One of my friends did that sideways trick with his abomination in one game, I marched...
Re: A compilation of ways to fight cannons/minimize risk? Pretty sure blowpipes never had quick to fire
Any list not containing scarvet cowboys better have a very good reason for it. They provide so much stuff that your massed skink skirmishers and...
Graveguard, Tombguard, Greatswords and Stormvermin (well they are elite in a compared to slaves anyway) disagrees :)
Re: A compilation of ways to fight cannons/minimize risk? Skirmishers can march and shoot, unless stated otherwise in their unit entries like...
If you really want a combat oriented army I would personally go with warriors of chaos. You can play combat oriented Lizardmen but then your not...
This.. so much this! If your opponent cheeses up you do it right back.
Arcane unforging can take a Deamon prince from being an unkillable game destroyer to just being a really tough unit to deal with
Yeah thats how I roll with my templeguard, they attract a lot of fire so extra bodies really help. Dont see why you should downgrade your...
I use 26 templeguard, but thats because it looks nice when the slann joins. yeah CoK arent really that great, but try them out anyway, some people...
Looks like a really solid list, though I feel that 20 templeguard is just too small. personally I would remove the Coldones and toughen up that...
Most of the time a flying skink chief would be working outside of your slanns bubble so I see frenzy(from the rippers)as a huge downside,forced...
give him light armor, shield, spear and a dragonhelm and he is a very versatile character. Can also give him an egg of quanco if you like to blow...
Monstrous infantry gets 3 supporting attacks each
I usually play my lizardmen defensively as I think that is what the army is best at. The games were I have rushed against the enemy usually ends...
Javelins are almost always better against other skirmishers, blowpipes are generally better against monsters and similar stuff. It all really...