Never go horde anyway, but the steg with the tricksters shard sound like fun
About the saurus bloodletter combat. Wow I did not expect that! Everytime I fight bloodletters my saurus just vanish in a red mist, but then again...
Awesome! maybe im just overthinking it. for some reason greater deamons just scare me. I should probably just face my fear.
I disagree :D Im well aware that im not a veteran but in my about 100 games with lizardmen the saurus are the one who has done the least. I...
Thanks for the tips, promise I wont go at him too fast, I find that Saurus are middling in combat at best and terrible against bloodletters, the...
So the answer is to concentrate all my skinks on him while im bombing him with magic. whats to stop him from repositioning his greater daemon so...
I use either blocks of 24 or 30, both 6 wide. Mostly for the looks.
But they cant really get close enough to shoot and a stand and shoot from 10 blowpipes will only do about 1 wound which he will get back if its a...
Yeah he always uses that banner. And even if I get my spells through a banishment does an average of 1 wound after saves and a big shems does...
Any tips? I have been fortunate enough that every time I played my Daemons opponent it has been in lower point games but now its about that time!...
yeah I know, just wanted to point it out. Small stuff like that can save your ass from time to time
Skink Gecko riders!
maybe I am blind but surely if javelin skinks have a shield they have the 6 plus ward save just like skink cohorts.
Salamanders are going to lose march and shoot, go down to strenght 2 and go up 15 pt and will be completely unusable.
But spirit leech is not a leadership test. that FAQ really caused more problems than it solved.
Of course it helps you win combats! me loosing less models because of flesh to stone or earthblood means a bigger chance of me breaking the...
Just remember that wounding him with the fireball does not remove regeneration in the shooting phase so he still has his regeneration against your...
The Guy I played against argued that because it says A look out sir can be attempted on page 97 of the small rulebook he could choose not to.
Hey everyone had something come up in a game last night. My opponents tzeentch herald had moved out of his horror unit but was only 1 inch away...
You can try running to scar vets on cold ones into it. One with the burning blade, the other with a great weapon. Maybe you could try a fielding a...