Just finished (barring maybe a few touchups) my pinup lizard. Used her as an excuse to test out some of the vallejo xpress colours I hadn't had a...
I have no muse, and I must amuse. *Troll face* *Ponder pose activate* Hmm... I wonder if I could come up with a short story for the theme. It...
Paint my pinup girl lizardman model Paint my sci-fi lizardman conquistador conversion Paint 10 miscellaneous/RPG models Paint a minimum of three...
Depends on the why. If its purely transport, I can picture them using sea-based dinos and just building a basic structure on the backs of these...
[IMG] Mort, the Eternity Warden of Madrigal, has witnessed empires rise and crumble over countless years. As a steadfast guardian in the...
Today... After I wake up (stupid insomnia ruining any semblance of normal sleep schedules)... weather allowing that I can go outside and do some...
My end of month update: Stop staring mournfully at the hundred odd unpainted masses - Progress has been made... I have changed my staring to...
Reinforcements and Chats The Old World - Marienburg — Marienburg was one of the wealthiest cities of the Old World. A vast trading hub, one...
Years back, I have myself a writing exercise. The goal of it was to write out the same scene twice; the same setup, the same extra and the same...
[IMG] What is a saurus oldblood without his pretty carnosaur? Gila is but an oversized scale-puppy where Ingwel is concerned. Unseen: a nearby...
Companion to The Outland Legion. A repository of art based on the story and the characters therein. As a rule: Artwork is by the wonderful...
Getting the impression they've burnt themselves out with writing all these focuses back-to-back, and if they've been writing them only days...
Latest I am doing today, hobbywise: Going through my unpainted masses and slapping on a basic paint job, in order of how long I've had them....
Naturally. Who wouldn't be a fan of the one character who can survive being played by Sean Bean? And not just in one film but an entire series of...
Plugging the Pass The Old World - Unnamed Pass through the World's Edge — Marshal Ingwel'tonl held the spyglass close to his eye, observed for...
I've stopped engaging with posts or people speaking with that mentality. It was the hip and cool thing to use AoS as a personal privy during the...
Because Sig-Marines! How else can they shove big burly armoured warriors in our faces? What's the closest Old World variant? Bretonnians? Bah,...
It's because GeeDubs can't seem to comprehend the idea that the players do not in fact buy every model for every faction. They think they're doing...
Well, with the new AoS release just around the corner, that is the time for them to really shove it in our faces so that in theory we get hyped up...