Large Targets no longer exist for LOS as we see what we can see. The FAQ states his LOS when casting is right above the heads of the TG, that...
As usual I'm not terribly certain what you are trying to say here, however after one challenge has been fully resolved (one combatant is dead)...
This is not correct, you do not need to be in B2B contact to accept a challenge in 8th edition. The slann can still be challenged in the 2nd rank.
Re: Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests join Skroxigor blocks And here I thought on your first day of training they gave you a super secret 2nd...
They may wheel while charging but you don't need to measure the wheel during a charge as it is "free" anyways.
Large targets don't exists in this edition.
Re: A Carn and Steg walk into a bar and are hit by a cannonb Everything is hit.
Monsters, or any model with a single base do not need to wheel, they pivot freely when moving.
Yes he can, his footprint is compatible.
The reason no one is looking at it that way is because the two rules would happen simultaneously. As the controlling player you get to choose the...
In this case the army book overrides the brb. Then slann is required to be in the 2nd rank, it is not an option for him.
Stating your opinion doesn't weaken anything.
If they were to make them faster, they would need to make them more expensive. Basic warriors of chaos are 5ish points more per model, but have...
they are not an option in the current edition.
There was a large debate (now its locked) here about this issue. Personally I feel the...
Cannon's are templates. Small, cannon ball sized ones.
I'll just quote the important lines and let you figure out the rest. I don't feel the need to argue it again. You need to use that quote AND the...
So true! I'd love them to choose the banner if we were using those rules.
While the chance is extremely low to fail LD9 twice....if you fail and flee, regardless of being caught the Slann dies for being the BSB. Its a...
No BeegFrog. They are characters and count as being in the first and 2nd rank for ALL purposes. This would in fact force the Slann into the 3rd...