Cyanhawk is correct. You won't end up with any ranks since you can only have a unit of 3 anyways and the handlers don't really have to be on the...
I will once again point to the screaming bell example. If there are skaven behind it, do they get supporting attacks, and what rank are they in?...
Normal unit: 2nd rank makes supporting attacks Normal unit with spears: 2nd and 3rd rank get supporting attacks. Horde unit: 2nd and 3rd rank...
Delven Mud is a wash, so it works different than regular paint. I strongly suggest you check out the GW site, they have some tutorials about using...
I'd like to state again that it doesn't matter if you can place Krox behind each other when in a Skrox unit. They would occupy the 4th and 5th...
You might want to re-read the entire section on supporting attacks. It is by rank in the unit. The skinks that are behind the krox are in the 4th...
It could just be the photos, but it looks like the gold and white could use another coat of paint, its a good start though. The important part is...
You can buy muchmuchmuch larger amounts of Green Stuff from Gale Force 9. It...
The "Brick" he is referring to is the rule book, its big and red and looks vaguely like a brick. The chariot rules for characters are clearly...
Looking at their current prices, I wouldn't start playing today, nor would I recommend anyone to start. Its a complete joke. There are other...
Their stats and rules are the same as the LM ones, and are also the same as the lone, stupidly expensive new model, which is just a cold one by...
As I stated in a few other threads, you don't even need to buy an entire box of DE cold one riders. Just buy the mounts from a Bitz seller on...
Honestly, those models look pretty terrible. I would not buy them.
Don't bother buying a box of them, I was able to get just the bodies and heads of the DE cold ones on Ebay for under $10. I intended on turning...
If its feet fit (or at least mostly fit) on a chariot base (50X100mm) It should work fine. The current GW steg hangs over the base as well.
I think the only issue here people are having is that the army book tells us he must remain in the 2nd rank. The thing is, once you are down to...
A "natural" roll of 2 or less is a failure, even if it would cast the spell normally. Even if you roll 2 dice and get double 1's (and getting a...
There are several reasons why this won't work. First one frenzy does not affect shooting attacks. The number of attacks a model has never affects...
I realize now that he was referring to having less than 5 TG in the unit, in which case the slann would have to move forward. Once you are down to...
The Slann doesn't step up unless there are not enough TG left in the unit to form a front rank. He MUST remain in the 2nd rank if able. The...