Its more about general rules than liz specific. Warseer has a decent thread going about a FAQ wishlist. There are too many random things for me to...
And it clears up next to nothing whoohoo! I shall read the updated BRB FAQ to see if M&H got any fixes. The only real change to our FAQ is a...
It seems p108 states, warmachines automatically fail non T or LD tests. Seems a little silly to me but oh well. Also, the crew are not simply...
It uses the statistics of the crew. The machine does not fire itself, the crew load and fire the warmachine....unless its a hellcannon :P...
No, our FAQ says we roll on the table, then choose to use the item or not.
I wouldn't recommend Life for a list this big. It works really well when there are few units on the board, but when you end up with 3+ large...
It might be harder to argue they block LoS since they have to be placed apart, the rank and file skinks might work but they are small. A Suarus is...
You are slightly wrong about protecting them from warmachines. There is nothing you can do about a stone thrower, however you can easily protect...
Yes, I meant allow the normal TG (non Champions) to accept challenges in place of the Slann. It just makes sense from a fluff point of view. They...
The ability for the slann to be challenged even while in the 2nd rank stinks. I was talking about it with a friend and we came up with an elegant...
You clearly underestimate the value of turning magic weapons into mundane. That can be huge against special characters or any lord level fighty...
He is uesfull because the slann can be challenged by another character even though he is in the 2nd rank. Even saying that, he is overpriced. If...
Even though the FAQ is fairly vague I don't see any way of ruling it besides the horned one counting for all rules as a calvary mount. If it still...
You cannot cast Direct Damage spells into close combat, so unless you have LOS while in CC to a unit NOT in CC, then you could not cast Chain...
I always take a scar-vet with the burning blade of choatec and whatever points left in some armor. He's really good at killing monsters. I have...
You didn't post the entire magic spell, I don't see anything wrong with it. Even posting individual model costs doesn't matter ( I don't) since...
P41 goes over Jungle Poisons and P49 goes over the blowpipes themselves.
A D8 seems reasonable to me. Another option would be if you have the magic lores cards you could take one from each, shuffle them and then draw...
A 6 is always a hit/wound in CC. You can only get 7's in shooting.
You can purchase any item that is in the BRB (still only one of each per army however) OR anything from the Lizardman army book. The only...