Hi all, Since I’m visiting/posting here more often, I started getting things done. Seeing photo’s of finished Lizardmen gives you a boost to get...
Yeah, it was my birthday this month (6th) and I got 1 krox and 12 Chameleon Skinks (so no converting needed of some skinks). So actually it isn't...
Re: New painter looking for some advice on a new color schem And really like how your grass stands on the base! I really need to learn how to do...
Re: New painter looking for some advice on a new color schem The Scab Red on the black looks indeed more like Purple. I had the same problem on...
Although you say the detail and brightness of the yellow disapeared on your skinks, I like how they match with your SW (their shield). See on the...
Finally finished my 24 skinks AND my Scar Vet (based and coated (gives a nice shine to them)). Am now painting the 9 handlers of my 3 salamanders....
Like your Purple Skinks (and certainly the shield, for what I can see on your profile pic), maybe I will paint my CS like that (going to convert...
I'm playing warhammer now for over 5 years and I have a lot to paint (play Lizardmen (3500 pts worth) and also collect Goblins (1500 pts), Skaven...
Last sunday I was playing against a dwarfs player. During his turn he also rolled 2D6 for Power dice. Like that he could dispell my remains into...
Well, I agree with the statement above that the EotG isn't worth its points. Not even when it makes your priest a level 2 wizard for free. The...
Well I almost used the same list this weekend in 2 friendly games (1 block of 30 warriors and 2 x 6 COR iso skink chief and 2 SW blocks), the rest...