the snakes you get with the bastiadon are good and if you make the solar engine you would have enough to make 2-3 bases of snakes
I've use them in 5-6 Games so far just bare bones hand weapons keeping them cheap 5Coldones and once with a muse So far all game were at least...
Remember inks and washes are the lizardmans friend
Most of the painting of my lazerdons I started with yes a air brushing but what made it work was the several layers of washes i used after the...
nice idea but for 35 more points you get 3 kroc
no i bilie its only from shooting as the halberd needs 2 hands to use
the "being charged" penalty is the "long range" penalty the enemy always count as being along range even if they are not so just the -1 for...
i enjoyed playing with the lazerdon so much i got a second here they are together still wip but the shell it pretty much done [attach]...
played the game yesterday and had fun i tabled him for the lose of one bastiladon ( i took loses to other units but none of them was destroyed )...
If its for fun a WoC or highelf monster mash and you also go monster mash and charge around eating every one
Could work in point tight games
Well they psychological because the with the toad markers they can do some real damage the toad maker as well as d3+1frenzy you also reroll to...
I take tetto'eko and 1or 2 lvl 2 beast priests Tetto giving me lore master of heavens is a great tool box and the re-rolling 1s helps Helps...
Regen......... A cheap way to way to flaming attacks to where you need it would be a skink Chief BSB With the flaming banner just chuck him...
This will be the 1st time I play WoC with lizardmen in any edition on WHFB I know I won't be up against any daemon princes or chimera's and no...
paint then the same as you army but then use a red and or brown washes to tone the bright orange down my tip is do 2-3 thin/watered down...
That's the way I've been playing it the 1st part rule says you place the toad for each rippa unit The second half just says any rippa attacking...
Re: Pinktaco's liz' - purple/pink skink added, opinions need I think a very light purple wash over the pink scales will blend the two colours...
Wip Bastiladon I airbrushed the armour and it was very bright but After several coats of washes the armour is alot more toned down Im planning...