used him 4 or 5 times every time worth his points in gold the vanguard alone putting my horde of saurus and a steg and my coldones 12" forward in...
the thing is for the same points you could get 2 scar vets on coldones they can kick out 8 S5 attacks and 4 S4 attacks and i think even naked the...
Re: Does anyone think giving a Skink Cohort poison is worth never thought of using the skaven banner in skroc units maybe for the lols
also terradons would be good being monster cav
I'll post some pics once they are/done there But how I got the yellow colour is I sprayed them white then painted them a bright yellow colour...
Sorrt ive been doing this all on my phone and this is the 2nd time posting pics
Wish you could fit a pot of strength as that could be a nice combo before charging in d3 strength 8 impact hits then 5 strength 10 great weapon...
Thanks for all the comments they help me stay motivated and focused on the project Heres a update of the finished rippa unit [attach] Also...
OK I'm planning on using lord kroak in my next game Vs a vampire counts army. and a rule question has come up ...with the spell The Deliverance...
I do think the monster mash could be viable with all the flyers we now have Plus the chameleon skinks I do think that you can give the enemy so...
The flaming burp of sallies can be painful as the strength has gone up
Gor-rok is 4 pieces the arm with the club / the leg and tail / the shield / the rest of the body
So I been playing lizardmen for a long time but never really put to much effoort into painting it I picked most of it on ebay I didnt...
I didnt say it would win a game just that its could catchyour opponent on the back foot Or help tge skinks kill while the rest of the army move...
i don't think you have enough magic defence i would say lvl 2 would be better and also what magic lore are you planning coz that would also...
I've found now that its a free swap and the fact you don't get Get -1 for moving and shooting helps increase their range Plus there a lot of...
the filthy, gold thieving,stunty bas****ds are invading the shores of the jungles of lustria not content with the wealth that they have...
There was a whole E.T.C bleast slann deathstar built around that tactic