Yes the unit type of the unit is infantry but the scar vet doesn't change from being cav and you do get the -1 to cast
Well yes it would be hard to work but if you had 3 lvl 2 beast (only 300pts ) all with wildform and some where on the board a steg with the EotG's...
Re: Custom Artillery Dice Sneak Peak Really like the light green two or three posts ago
I was jist looking at the skinks and realised The if you swap to a javelins and shields with the javelin with strength as user With all the...
playing my 1st game with the new rules on wednesday 2000pts vs dwarfs decide to go magic lite as i dont think i will get much off here the...
if the unit of rippas vanguard if they fail there ld would the have to charge even though they have vanguarded ???
By some people's reckoning you dont get the bonus in 2nd/3rd ranks coz of the supporting attack rule But by that thinking if a unit has...
Now im not sure about then rules but they aren't they flying cavalry not flyers ?? Is there no difference ?
go old school and each unit having a different colour
in a mixed unit when it comes to ld tests can you use the ld of the kroc instead of skinks ?
Soon as I saw the model I wanted to make and scar vet out of it...
Im looking for 5th ed shield for my oop 5th ed army Im doing The ones I've got already are to deepy encrusted with paint and glue wanted to...
+++ lizardmen test list (2492pts) +++ Lords * Slann Mage-Priest Cupped Hands of the Old Ones, Focus of Mystery, The Becalming...