what is mind raxor??? :( iam new to lizard's ..... :(
recently i looked the jungle swarm and i found them intresting i want to try 2 units of 5 swarms and do you think?
ty very much you saved me :D all hail stegadon !! :P
hello i want to ask if a ancient stegadon with 2 giant blowpipe can take the stand and shoot reaction when the other player charge in it...
iam thinking to play lore of light .. but i also thinking if carnosaur is good choice or to use tehenhauin..
thank you i made the changes but i don't know what items to give in my slann and what lore should i use :S
hello iam new to the forum and a new player in warhammer fantasy. i love lizards but i dont have any victory yet :S i would like to tell me some...