I'm watching this thread but hadn't seen updates for it in awhile, you're army is by far one of the most cohesively painted I've seen I really...
Thanks for everyone's comments on my story also the name jarring with people was anticipated but was also a mocking gesture at the naming of other...
Best Skink Ever
Mine cost me a pretty penny on Ebay but they have actually came up pretty cheaply on their which made me regret bidding so high - you might be...
If anyone decides to buy one let the vendor know you got the link from me purely so I can see if anyone buys from them from the link I posted :P
Very nice simple and clear imo the issue it raised for me is how to pronounce Saurus like you pronounce it how it I guess is and should be...
He wound up in my collection the model is 54mm scale but as a standing Slann it pretty much would be where a Slann is at he's abit thin but he's...
The model count for the cupboard so for is 578 - I have two citadel cases of models left and some laying around xd and 2 boxes of spares that can...
Anyone else spot that it's a little chili outside? [ATTACH]
Been working on placing my models back into the shelving unit had to improvise some additional shelves out of jars and glass panels for a...
This one is a really rare one defiantly looks like an intended release of the Eternity warden Chakax or however he is spelled :P but as far as my...
A goal for the new year - at the moment I'm just organising my horde onto improvised shelf spaces - and gluing the broken parts I'm so behind on...
Any side on shots of the pits? close ups or something? looking good from here though also :)
I'm hoping I get called upon while my bank account still has the money in it I'm only on seasonal work :P
If I there is a list of names and geographical locations we'll sort it out if not I'll rearrange it for next year
Get painting he said hypocritically :P
Just an Idea if enough people were interested - we could do a Lustrian secret Slannta. It would most likely be divided into a country based purely...
So this is going to be a Lord Ulha'up proxy, he will be a walking Slann because the ground he walks on will be cleansed shown by the painting and...
Rarw XD Until then I'll plod along - putting together a frog picture soon and description of the plan for him :)
*gulp* not even close