Work is physically and mentally destroying me at the moment but on the plus side I got another Slann: [ATTACH] Chilling with the homies :P...
Contest prize cough contest prize
I'd suggest making him either one of two options - Older and saggier but like 5% bigger due to saggy skin (still tough though :P) or like 10-20%...
I was desperately reading this hoping for some scaly love
I've done a rough number count on my skinks and Saurus in the cabinet; I have approximately 250 skinks and 200 Saurus, though I know I have about...
I like the idea bowser - my only reservations are wild fire may sound like an arsonists thing :P but I can see how it ties in nicely with the...
Sounds pretty underhand but an impressive tactic non the less would love to see it play out
Playing around on paint because I'm the bestest - working on a concept for displaying my models in my cabinate I want a sort of look into a...
Did someone say Slann...? ^.^ really nice froggy there :D
So I failed to do a model count I started one and got lost on where I was xD I will have to do it after Christmas I will be working far to much...
For texture there was a video I watched on liquid greenstuff you can like brush it on in specs so it looks crumbly and dirty it might work well...
Solutions wonderful simplistic solutions are always the best
Thanks :) I'll let you know I'd have asked you personally given the last lustria thing you produced with my paint files :P but I don't like to...
GW is and are messed up in my personal opinion. They get customers telling them what they want all the time and don't listen.
Thanks for the bumps :)
@pendrake while I do fundamentally agree with you there is always a grey line - there was certainly a great culture of game sharing and buying in...
Okay so my internet seems to be working again so I can show you all some things - Do you ever wonder what else lives in the lustrian...
I hope so I pretty much try gimp every now and then and get frustrated at the UI or lack there off and just give up :P and can never get hold of...
Hello if you're reading, oi you come read this if you're not... I'll be brief as possible I'm essentially after a logo or at least a proto type...
I have some really cool things to show you all but my internet on my PC is frustratingly poor, I can't load any web pages without it disconecting...