Yeah @thedarkfourth It is normally a consensus thing - but on occasion some artists aren't apprechiated in their own lifetime :P so that's what I... Just trying to drive some entries to my silly competition :) and now I've...
Yes this is all down to personal taste we aren't all literature professors marking them in strict fashion we vote based on personal preferences -...
Despite having a huge collection of Lizardmen I don't have any Swarms or a Skink priest with a feathered cloak, how are these models avoiding me?
Solar engine is awsome, as is the conversion with the massive tusks. can any electritions etc weigh in on whether you could set these things up...
I'd suggest canada ive never been there but its essentially a friendlier and better america from what I can gather :) sorry america :P - but here...
Yeah, the size of the one I got isn't too far off the one carried by the Pigmy slaves. I was considering a shrink ray type mechanic to weave them...
Yeah from warmaster there are two versions one akin to the 5th edition who is grasping at a lizard with a mace in his other hand and then there is...
She was being genorous with the 11 seconds for sure :P
Gulp :P then I have 0 models.
I've only seen one online worldwide and you got yours in store by chance? I think its possibly the rarest thing in the world
This is really competently done a great overall effect
I inherited a certain sense of humour from my mother so often come up with silly jokes so please forgive me for this my mind works or doesnt work...
It cost me 15£ delivery included :D someone had it reserved but didn't collect it for 3 weeks after reserving it so they got fed up with them and...
Nice cake it seems we may have a great brit...lustrian cake off on our hands :D
I haven't done a recount but the cabinate includes well over 300 more models than I've listed I've juts been moving them from my old room I'll do...
Still missing that illusive Modern* Mini Slann though :( - Then my collection of the variants should be complete
Angry Saurus - I don't know if any of you have noticed but when you don't put the shield on the Saurus they look like angry villagers shaking...
So this is my new (Old charity shop item) cabinate only one shelf is operational at the moment which presented challenging in placing all my...
I think personal casting is fine, If you've paid for the original model. It's similar to backing up a dvd or music from a cd and just reusing it...