So there was a clear deserving winner to this - Slannta's Workshop - @Bowser and the joint runners up were: Painted Models Loading...Please...
Pretty simple idea really, I'm looking to rename my army blog on here and am rubbish at it so thought it might be an easy competition for people...
Just perusing Gamesworkshop and realised that a good % of the Lizardmen I mean urhm seraphon are webstore exclusives - how do they expect people...
These are @woogity 's there is an interest thread for placing orders on this forum if you search his name you should be able to find it if not...
That's a really nice custom shield :D
I had used a powder mould called insta mould you mix it with water to make a casting and its completely harmless to the original it's safe on skin...
The rex colours are really nice the green and red look like some form of candy combination but in a good way it looks exotic so cool to see makes...
I still haven't got round to making a mazdamundi conversion which is what drew me to this forum in the first place
They're always poping up on the UK ebay I have a good lot myself now including some converted rather skilfully into spear throwers they went to...
I agree its a really nice project you got there - If I had to have something to say about it is that the little regions of ore/desert etc are...
I want your version still dang ..time to beg :P
@NIGHTBRINGER - I believe I have the one that looks like the 5th edition Slann - I've done a search for the other type which is possibly the one...
Urhm I'm not sure he's grasping a lizard ill post it when I can - I got it on ebay second chance offer so I'm pretty happy with it :D
Hey this is a really neat conversion you've got some lovely little details that will hopefully see you do well in the competition :D Edit: my...
@NIGHTBRINGER I got hold of a 10mm Slann ^.^
Welcome to the site hope you enjoy our company
Just an update on a model I linked in fantastic beasts - you have one week left to arrange a pre order for the model - to find the model search...
Nice chameleon tails - did you do anything with the eyes I cant tell maybe im just tierd after work but if you didn't try it for next time they...
Loving the pattern on the wingspan