Moving my models from one room to the other and I noticed that Tehehauni is basically saurus sized which should have been known to me since I...
I'd suggest making sure both the break off points are smooth and then just working on a system to keep the part in place while the glue does it's...
Hahaha do it !
Much better result on the salamander now :D and the red gor rok? is amazing reminds me very much of Hell boy and nice jade effect on that sheild
I can see what you mean in the feeling of missing something but I am very useless and unable to tell you what that might be :(
Some seriously sick painting
Some skinks still use giant bows on stegadons I believe they don't use hand held ones because...makes up some gw waffle to generate more income...
Good stuff :) Link your shop so we can have a nose :P Sadly due to shipping etc I rarley would buy anything from etsy other than Uk stuffs but I...
That's cool I hope you do well with it :) If you're hand painting frames you should offer a custom service so people can request roughly what they...
Sounds like you have a nice bussiness idea :) where are you selling them on your own online website or etsy/ebay etc?
I want to talk about mould making breifly - I made a mould to cast a figure I had but it turned out my brother didn't come round with the poly...
Look foward to seeing :)
Yeah @Rikard has some crazy good scultping skills - I was wrong about the model you got :) you got the one I want though
So I've here's a little update not the best i'll admit but this is the second bulk lot of Warhammer I have to sort through whilst looking through...
I couldn't see my name /email on the list maybe i'm being blind amongst the blur of people in any event i'd be interested in a set of the 3...
Paint them Itll be nice to see them and be even more jealous that I don't have any yet I think I must be last on the list or something for them :P
Keeps promising pictures doesn't post any :P - I will attempt to get some on here after the UK apprentice :) - I had another lot of warhammer in...
Welcome to the site :)
For the horde....wrong reffernce right :P?