@Janf thanks man secretly been trying to get my post to like ratio at a 2:1 so you're help is apprechiated :D - and thanks @tom ndege - I asumme...
Yeah the I believe the Slann is a nice and simple conversion and the war turtle is certainly a fearsome war vessel - I might load him up with all...
I sent my story to @Scalenex so hopefully that'll raise the number by at least 1 (if my math is correct)
As requested more pictures of the war turtle: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] and here is a Slann... [ATTACH] Sniffing his finger :P...
My money is on saurian mauler
that huge fire elemental thing looks like raganaros from wow - its really cool - the whole army is impressive
If the jockey falls off the carnosaur then it'll likely not follow the lizardmen anymore and be a neutral threat
hmm give...or lend :P
I see ^.^ watch this space...for afew years ;)
love it want it come paint mine :P
Oh an is it community judged then?
Sounds very interesting - do you need to register for these events is it a games workshop run thing? - this will be a long term goal I think - I'm...
The little lizard stands out well on him - some paintings i've seen almost blend them into the models and you loose the detail but you've handled...
:P I'd love to do an army on parade thing what does it entail exactly - having a whole painted army and scenery?
Who did the ICE WIND it seems like a reffernce to icewind dale but it could just be an icey enviroment
Love the santa one xD very nice details the baubles didn't go un-noticed :P very funny
Congrats much deserved prize
I hope people donate more prizes like models next time because I'd love to win some :D I'm gonna plan some projects to get me better prepared for...