How do you get loremaster for High Magic?
can tenehuin still get an EOTG? are all of the other special characters in the book? what about chakax and oxyotl?
that's the most depressing thing I've heard. it's starting to sound like a good thing I haven't been able to get the book. totally skippable.
Is Mazdmunda still in the book? hes always been my favorite character
theres a guy who makes dimetrodon models of the same scale, can't remember his name although hes on facebook.
just surious why i dont see any new lists with salamanders, heard they only went up 5 pts since 7th
Looking over the newest FAQ today, I noticed a change in stegadons. While giant bows are slow to fire, it says Q. Can stegandons and Ancient...
I played a list close to this against some demons and did ok, but not as good as I hoped. Slann of death arabyan carpet, focus of mystery,...
I think they should just change the razordons to no missfires on the stand and shoot, but thats me. I'd like to see a buff to saurus In and TG...
with the purple sun, you choose wear the starting point it, it doesn't start at the caster. it only starts at the caster on a misfire, which is...
Im thinking of taking 1 SMP-3 discp, 1 SMP-1 discp 1 EOTG with lev 2 SP 1 EOTG with lev 2 SP 1 skink cheif with SWP on ancient stegadon(may...
see that still makes no sense. If your only job is to make shots through the enemy with this giant bow, youd be amazinglly skilled at it. Ive seen...
heh. Im taking 3 stegadons and 2 slann mage priests to ard boys next month
i haveuad of 16, made up of both. They are the same size wise and look good together, BUT they will not line up together, so I have one file of...
except for the fact that there were originally "Space Slann" in rogue trader, it'dbe a good idea
sorry, I do not know the tournament %, but 90% is for golden Daemon awards. Dont know if its different
if its convrted to a reasonable degree and features 90% GW parts or is scratch built, all you have to do is explain before the fight which unit it...
well, the only thing I can recommend is what I do fo my characters incase I want to remove them. I cut the smallest slotted bases in half, and...
The biggest problem I see, is a FAQ ISNT for fun and friendly games. In fun and friendly games, anyone who isnt a d-bag talks it over with his...
I think they should have given them armor piercing. that would make since wth the fluff. I mean that would go with the fluff. I think overall,...