due to the newer crappyness of the faq, ive made lots of changes to my army. please leave criticism Slann mage priest with focused...
yeah im thinking with no S&S as a possible reaction on an ancient stegadon, and the fact I usually get the charge off only 1/2 the time, Ill cut...
aret they BS 0???
for my saurus, I have the originals that came in the old starter game. they came with hand weapon in their hands and for some reason another hand...
use jewelers chains. they look in scale with the minis, and you could bunch it up around the head to look like a coif andthen stack it up around...
it says under the rules for magical weapons that you cant take a magic item of the same class and a mundane one-if you take the enchanted sheld,...
I waited for WAR anxiously, and it didnt meet my expectations. I love WOW, but also stopped playing a few months ao to buy some nids and lizzies...
I don't see how there could be any disagreement? It is most Definitely magical. "this cannot be dispelled"..... Is there some kind of normal non...
What about this Model a scratchbuilt cotl thats as big as a stegadon but winged, put 5 guys on it and use the old "counts as" rule for Skink...
dont forget they can take magic banners by them selves, so if you put a stegadon with them, it benefits from the magic banner AND they then get...
I may do that, but the real problem is that I think its actually a kink priest riding it, which I can do no problem and just call it a skink chief...
well, I dont have any sallamanders yet, and I know I can get ONE before the tournament, but maybe not 2. I kinda like the artillery dice rolls for...
Theres a drawing n the Army book with a Skink chief riding a quetzlcoatl, and Iwas wondering if anyone had made a coversion or heard of a...
I have the old sauruses, but I put the golden overlay from the new stegadonkit that covers the large cross bow. looks like an aztek warriors...
I dont have the exact list with me but it should be really close SMP with plaque of topek, Rumination, regeneration, BSB, Sun standard of...
nah, scrapped the whole army due to likely hood ill be playing TK and VC at the tournament.
what what? so he couldnt get wupped by arrows/rifles
Im thinking of running this for now, trying it with no TG SMP rumination/regeneration/Plaque of tepok SP on EOTG with 2x dispel scrolls, 2nd...
am i like the only one who has rolled a "2" for distance on about 6 out of the 10 times Ive used burning alignment???????
1st edition rulesbook does