Hey everyone, was hoping to get some feedback on this unusual list I made. It comes out to 1995. Old blood with light armor great weapon talisman...
Hello. Well my local game shop is hosting it's 1st et tournament. This is the list I've come up with so any help would be greatly appreciated I...
Thanks but there's arguments for and against so which is it? I tabled this rules lawyering tool on his terms anyway but if just like to know for...
Hello, so I just got home from my local gaming club and some tool tried telling me that our predatory fighter rule only works with our models in...
Hi all, playing two k at my local club and trying a new list. Let me no what u think and thanks in advance. Oldblood with lt armor gt weapon...
How much are rippers and bastiladon comped in the Swedish thing, the pdf I downloaded does not show them I think it's an older set
Please explain this comp business. Thanks.
Obviously most will tell you that a slann needs to be your "staple" in anything 2k or over. I kinda disagree. 2 priests at level 2 do the magic...
So.I just finished up a game, I don't run a slann and was just sick of the.hum.drum beasts and heavens. I actually took the wizard hat on my old...
It costs an unhealthy amount of points but if u can and have the models I have ran 22 riders in one unit in ranks of 5 with a Scarvet and Oldblood...
Ok so jav skinks are just about my favorite unit we have for core. But what do you guys feel is a good number to run them in? I feel that 10 is...
Hello, anyone know which colors are associated with each old one? I know sotek is red and I believe that tepok was purple. I'm trying to get my...
Man ur lucky you can take tetto all the tournaments I play don't allow special characters. All in all tho very nice should do.well.
Hello. If I take a skink chief mounted on a ripper, do I still get a toad token?
Just a question, if I take a unit of rippers can a chief join them if he is on a ripper, the brb is not to clear on that.
Hello everyone. So I've just purchased another steg box (first monster we ever had, and in my opinion still the best by far). Well anyway I'm...
I would totally try to get one or both priests to level two. There are so many good spells if you are able to cast the savage beast of horros on...
Hi all. Really quick, blowpipes or javs. Thoughts?
Ah yes good call on the engine being too many points. I would definitely take a lot of skirmishers then. They work wonders on just about everything
That is a lot of magic for 1k I would drop 1 priest and make the saurus bigger and maybe try to get more skinks or make the steg an old one with...