No scaly skin does not stack, this is because the BRB errata states "..a model gains no additional benefit from having the same special rule...
So if the scar vet cannot leave then what is the point? The unit will be stuck at movement 2 I guess the original persons idea was for the scar...
Definitely this is quite common tactic with respect to spirit leech If you leech the oppositions scroll caddy (usually the level 1 or 2) more...
Actually I'm not sure about this one The first chief can join the scar vet, This makes a scar vet-chief on Terradon unit Can the second Terradon...
High magic is great, it has some nice versatility and the ability to swap is great, you fire off soul quench turn one then go for either searing...
Exactly, that's why the old infernal gateway was feared so much, sure there was only an 8.3% chance of getting a 11 or 12, but still 1 in every 12...
Yes, I have illustrating a point using a worst case scenario, which is why you won't find many people risking it with one dice because there is a...
A slann is a lord not a hero, his points do not count towards the hero 25% cap, they count towards the 25% lord cap, at 2000 points you can have a...
BRB page 37 No it doesn't, throwing 6 dice will cast it If you get two 6's it is cast irresistibly and no dispell can be attempted Then the model...
Re: Leaving out Temple Guards: a viable choice or a bad idea Yes slann is 50 mm and cohorts are 20 mm so the slann should sit on the side...
Really? What year and what country interested to see what happened. Anyway, no that is not how it works, wildform is cast on a unit The unit is...
Yeah you are right, putting a mounted character does not change the unit type therefore the casting bonus doesn't apply.
70 points versus 378 points that is why Plus a skink priest to be nearby and then roll and cast a spell on a 20+. It suddenly goes from a cheeky...
I think the strategy the OP was suggesting was: Turn one and two, double wildform and hand of glory on the skinks and use their str5 shot to take...
It was missed out of the book and will hopefully be FAQ'd The mask of heavens does still work, there is always one Terradon (Zwup) in the unit...
No, no they can't unless they have a special rule permitting it
No I think you have read that wrong, If the character is on a monster it cannot join ANY units, not an infantry unit, not a monstrous cav unit,...
Where does it say on foot? Doesnt have those words anywhere in my brb paragraph....
Ninja'd! Because it the next paragraph it explicitly forbids you joining units of flyers, you can't just selectively choose what rules to...
BRB page 97 Unless otherwise stated, a character cannot join...a unit of flyers ...