heeey. mystery allready is included, and against a unit of 25 saurus they would kill 12, (6 bieng before the enemy hits) but it is very unlikely...
heeey. the ones that are saying coc are not worth it arent kidding around! Blood statuette is not worth it! (no matter the points size!) Both...
heeeey. against warriors take salamanders! they might only wound on 5+ on chaos warriors but youre taking down 16 point models. also taking the...
heeey. oh you mean you will cast all of the magic missiles from the lore of shadow through your priest? cause only magic missiles can count as...
heeey. One slann is enough you should keep the life one, and without focusing on lore of heavens tetto is weak. its pretty not so smart to have...
its 1 rank! 5 krox x 4 = 20 + 2 skinks =22 20mm bases 9 models per rank, first rank 9 next rank 9 thats youre and four models after the second...
heeey. yeah only one stalker per unit a unit can only have one champion. items count towards the character allowance, and so does mounts, so the...
4 casters and only 2d6 dice is wrong! the ethereal slann is a waste of points because there is no power dice for him to use! a channeling skink is...
heeey. one slann should use all power dices, so 2 slanns and a priest is not just too much its freaking OVERKILL! a slann should have lore of...
heeey. 18 saurus in each unit is way to little try maybe 25. both consciouness, and plaque of protection are wasted points when in tg. what lore...
spear is a one hand oberated weapon that lets you strike with one extra rank however they can only make one attack. shields gives a 6+ armour...
heeeeey. wich is your most common enemy army? if it is not skaven or ogres you should not take blade of realities LORDS: oldblood with sword of...
could not find the answer in here sooo. what does these mean : ES DDS CoD dont have the book right now (left it over at a friends sooo...)
heeey. if you dont want to cheat i have some advice for you. You can only use 25% on lords in this instance you can use up to 600 points as you...
heeey. Lord: Slann - focus of mystery, the becalming cogitation, the focused rumination, lore of life, BsB, standard of dicipline, general. (you...
heey Slann 365 the focused rumination focus of mystery bsb standard of dicipline 26 Saurus warriors 298 standard 11 skink skirmishers 20...
lunar collapse is rather bad since the slann has a better magic phase most of the time then giving up you slann to damage not kill enemy wizards...
is chain ligtning a magic missile if not you cant use the skink priest to fire from him..... you should not take rod of storms as you dont get the...
item : cupped hands (i think in all my games i killed about 5 wizards with it and a lot of wounds have been dealt and tons of horriple slann...
you should definitely take lore of life because it has a spell that makes you ignore miscasts ,and if there is anything an lm player hates its to...