sry....... but really slanns dont get shot down that easily. number of bolt thrower shots it takes : 12 and thats at short range. number of high...
hey not to ruin your list but its kinda illegal...... these following things you need to do you cant have a unit of skrimishers beneath the unit...
hey. imo you should change your diciplines to focus of mystery and focused rumination then simply drop plaque only a skink chief can take a...
yeah but how big are the bunkers? At least 19 with a hero or 20 without one, sometimes more. 10 guards die like nothing, you`d rather use those...
seems pretty fair. but i dont really know what you mean when you say on a 6 its mysterios does that mean you roll ex. lake then a d6 and on a 6...
What about if it was simply the comet of casandora, and you get as many swarm models as wounds caused with the comet. The swarms form a unit...
Hey. What you dont need : Priests. Really they are just scroll carriers and its not 90 p worth to get a scroll and besides the enemy can steal...
Totally forgot bane head. With it i only need 2 wounds on enemy lord chars with my death magic.
yeah tarpits would probalbly be better should i maybe go for ranks instead of width with the saurus? the math did confuse myself alot too...........
Heeey. you need more saurus, (ar least 30) if you want to make spears worth it. Otherwise its a waste of points. Divine plaque not needed, he...
my most regular opponent (almost only) is skaven and agains following units spears are better the first one is the most offensiv spear formation...
As jormi says watch the mixed unit rules!!! same as with kroxigors. A unit of skrox made up of 11 skinks 1 krox 5 wide, when down to 3 skinks krox...
hey just thought i would give my opinion. curse of chotec needs to be way better. so that it actually gets up at a casting value of 9-12 as the...
Hey all. im a pretty young player, but have played quite a lot of warhammer anyway. At a point i got tired of playing lizardmen over and over...
40 skinks maybe :P treemen i think is way easier just take flame banner on tg and boost them with your light magic and he should be toast or...
Lords Lord Quatspa-Toto, Slann Mage-Priest of Xlanhuapec Lore of Light, Cupped Hands of the Old Ones, Battle standard bearer, standard of...
heyya steg cannot join units!!! maybe try with slann lore of light and the skaven pelt banner in a unit of tg for 4 attacks each hitting before...
heyya agree with kurlin and groups of 3 wont work (tried it)
heyya for the slann to be the ultimate build (with light) you still need standard of dicipline it divides the chance of fleeing by 4 at 15 points...
heyya i think keep musicians and you NEED standard of dicipline you NEED it maybe change 21 saurus for 16 guard with full com and ironcurse...