list old blood armour of destiny (4+ward heavy armour) bane head (doubling wounds on chosen character) piranha blade (double wounds for total of...
If you haven't used a horde of skinks with kroxigors, you are missing out on a very fun unit to run. you cant make skrox horde the third rank...
drop priest 100p drop coc 175p total gained 275p take standard of dicipline its awesome on slann makes your army almost unbreakable with LD 10...
i dont relly know cause its probably most for terrain purpose and i think that is good cause they are against evil and it would be a drawback if...
simple thing cheat you cant have 2 arcane on one character slann has both scroll and cupped hands and if you start loosing attacks if you loose...
awesome lore skink army of doom such an army can crush the enemy in the movement face and then bieng able to move in magic face and then the enemy...
wont your scar vet just die if a cannon crew looks at him? and you should really get banner of dicipline on slann i consider it a must you pay 15...
Also Frostblade causes 3 wounds lets say. Its not 3 dead ogres. As each ogre has 3 wounds only one ogre dies. It how I understand the rule. You...
why would you bring gleaming pennant its stupid you cant reroll twice.... or can you in 8th? and its ld 10 standard of dicipline ;) seems really...
could be extreeemly awesome if he had lore of fire to show all the wrath and anger that he bears becuse of the daemons destroyed his old home...
god damm it that second ninja is awesome truly awesome man id wish i could make such cool stuff!
i would say that you should make another build for the scar-vet because you need an anti hero character which scar-vets are great for either take...
NICE! is your slann going to take lore of fire?
at my gaming clup everybody and i mean everybody just hated me for taking a life slann in 1500 its evil but when i met a de army with a shadow...
anyways only vampires and chaos mages can wear magic armour (with a few exeptions wizard armour)
but if i take ruby ring then i need 2 dice for an average of 7 slann 1 dice average 11 you see what i mean and 2 dice vs 2 dice 7 vs 14,5 thats...
heyya Just a little question wont you feel stupid when you roll 1245 for spells not having throne or dwellers? and could have gotten all 7...
well lets say magnificent buboes (lore of nrugle) i would say its a ranged attack because it has a RANGE of 24 and it aint a magic missile so it...
lords 740 slann cupped hands power stone focus of mystery (beast) focused ruimination higher state of consciouness oh yeah beast with that many...