you are assuming to be able to resolve an arcane unforging withing the first 1-2 magic phases?
Hi there I did some math regarding how our units can deal with that insane combo of white lions with banner of the world dragon. I am always...
thank you for your answers, you convinced me to give tetto some more chances in a cohort. I ll try with that.
I used him in medium size cohorts or in skirmisher units. Whenever I put him in one of these they become magnets of ranged/magical shooting,...
hi there, I am exploring new ways to bunker my caster, TG are bad as compared to other armies special infantry and tetto eko often dies too fast...
I think that it all depends on what are the hitters of your list. If you play 100% skink core, and you rely on cowboys to do the fighting then...
The more I think of it the more the curse of anraheir is over powered. First, it messes up with the opponent movement phase which I believe it to...
Re: Lore of Beasts Slann Tactica (extension of Slann Party l I am not sure I follow this. Let's say that you roll with the slann 1, 2, 3, 6. You...
The way I read it: - Open ground is a terrain - Open ground does not normally affect anything….unless a spell tells you that it does! A couple...
hey guys I am pondering on the usefulness of lore of beast in the lizardmen army. It seems to me that slann-beast can be quite powerfull for the...
Hi! I like the list, looks solid, but there are three weak points that can be improved in my opinion: - that BSB skink chief is a bit out of place...
thank you for the inputs! I am reluctant to throw a cowboy at it because of the -1 strenght and always strike last debuff.... Piranha blade...
quick question: you need to deal with frost phoenix and your slann is on high magic. Which lore will you switch a high magic spell for? would you...
Thank you for the answers. If you were to run the big unit (10-12 cold ones) with scar vets and old blod with BSB, would you take spears?
hi I have 2 questions regarding cold ones: - Is HW strictly better than spears? I have a unit of CO to assemble but I am not sure how to equip...
Thank you all for the inputs. I understand that everybody agrees that skirmishers are choice #1 and that you would choose small cohorts only if...
Hey all, here is my question: are small skink cohorts a good choice? Personally I find big skink cohorts units usefull because they can work well...
Thank you Qupakoco for the reply! I played 2 games against wood elves yesterday. I upped the TG unit to 20 models as you suggested. I also added a...
hi fellow jurassik parkers, First post here! I m fairly new to warhammer and have pondered a while about what army to choose. When I realized that...