Has anyone done this? Would anyone do this? i think its interesting to have a lvl 2 with armor and great weapon and whatnot.
I'm fairly new so this was an enlightening topic. Could you throw like 10 ranked skinks in front, stand and shoot and possibly kill a few with...
I'd also like to know! I've been passively looking around, but aside from scratch building stuff, havent found a good source.
I typically run mixed. 1-2 blocks of hw/shield and another block of spears. Your opponent will either ignore the difference, or overly...
I agree...I hate playing skaven. LD5, yet they never break somehow....
I'd use em if I could find em cheaper than $20
Has anyone found a good alternative to the crap GW model? Conversions or otherwise? I dig the razordon model, but the salamander looks terrible...
do the blowpipes have to all be fired at the same target?
So I won't lie. I like to run carnosaurs More than slann for two reasons. One: everyone runs a slann. Two: giant t-Rex is cooler than giant...
I was kinda thinking the same thing. They would always be the first thing eliminated from my lists.
So I keep bringing the cavalry, but they keep getting smashed. How do you use these guys successfully??
Does anyone field a block of TG without a slann? If so, do you give them the full kit with magic banner, etc? Or is it beneficial to save the...
So I'm brand new to lizardmen and brand new to the world of fantasy. I play 40k regularly and I wanted to try out what all my friends called "the...