i do mean like that and the answer is to take models from the middle not the ends as even with the gaps they would still be 1" from each other. or...
i don't know really the coherency rules are fine won't even couse problems most of the time. even with 32mm you can cap the ends so you can still...
you don't need to double rank you can just triangle cap the line
warriors definitely feel the pain. loosing rend 1 spears is very hard to take
SoB then the first LRL
naw sigvald is still shit. he is still going to have trouble cutting threw min sized units. he is still slow he is still not terribly durable
is it sad that i recognised the show just from the blinds?
oh they do thats why it was in quotation marks. it's a direct quote that i have been throwing at them for about a month now. a bold claim that i...
not yet. we haven't seen that apge of the"water tight rules" yet
not a surprise but still very disappointing
plus griping is a staple of ALL hobbies. sports immediately comes to mind as Killer said above but it extends to video games movies comics tv...
any one have leaks on secondaries? im really looking forward to those and so far we have only seen the one
this hobby does make me happy. a person can love a flawed thing while wanting it to be better. this statement is unhelpful and merely passes blame...
oh wow do you have time? i have a list that goes as far back as 4th edition. or should i keep it to second and 9th?
in a perfect world shure but GW continues to make useless or completely broken things in there games so yes i do believe they pay very little...
oh this is always my assumption. i just like to give GW agency in there terrible terrible choices
suck it up and take it like a man...lizard. makes sense they are the newest books and actually made with 3rd in mind
general rumor is they are going narrative but no confirmation yet. we don't know but until they do the few armies that stil have them are going to...
no idea. a few possibilities would be a ability like units of renown from WFB or the build it yourself subfaction abilities from 40k
mainly the fact that now battalions don't work anything like the battalions we are used to. they work like 40k detachments which was half the rumor