yes you only get 1 artifact unless otherwise stated. reinforcements are limited to 4 times tottal. if you make a 10 man into a 20 thats once if...
this is nothing new. allies have always been the best way to run most armies, they plug holes that your army has. the only reason we havent been...
yes us taking cities heroes is going to very much be the best way to run seraphon. they give us the good spells we lack and a lot of suport and...
yes it's legal no it's not worth it
HA i was right!
well in this case a lady in full power armorer got 15 (that we can see) sword cuts and oddly no bullet scars. odd
you know, a lot of people see scars and think Bad Ass. i see scars and i think incompetent. i mean all my scars are from me being a dumb ass ;)
give it time the moders know what they are doing
true Vostroyans need a kit ... or 9
French not German. also the guard has been ignored about as much as xenos have. kits for SM does very little for a guard player and saying your...
‘Endless spells summoned by Seraphon Wizards are bonded to the model that summoned them. A bonded endless spell is always controlled by the model...
yes Cities is awsome! ok first Battle magi are great but i wouldn't say gurr is the best choice you want to go for phas protection or chain...
or let them fight solo or paired with heroes(uridden) like how gryph hounds work
3-4 should be good then. as long as you don't go off roading with him
i use magnets. as for how many that depends on how hefty the ones you are using are
everything is worth trying at least once
how charitable of you
not quite. they have the single moniker and singles can't be reinforced
we know they can fly/have wings that they descend from 2 patriarchs one of light and one of dark and that dracothion is involved with them. so far...
the guy on the right [IMG]