yes but only once and not if they are in combat when you charge. as for limiting it. it is CP dependent so if you can burn threw their CP or force...
they had and still have both
the table size did go down but deployment distance did not we always had 18" deployments and we still do.
or the sneaky clever positioning meta
You do know they re roll charges right? Plus one from constellation they make it 5 times out of 6. Other than that I run debuff wagons just crash...
and wasting points is an even riskier one
if you think it's worth wasting the points an a hypothetical go for it. but a lot of our guys can do the same thing with teleports
except they can just wait and not shoot the useless unit
but they don't do 10 wounds. at BEST when fully buffed(wich is not how you judge a warscroll) using according to your set up 2 CP a once a game...
i litteraly said i wasn't as it's a once a game thing if you do want to sure once a game they do 4-9(a increase of 1-2 damage) with 1-4 of that...
you didn't mention either of those but if you do then you get 3-7 with 0-3 of them being mortals without toad since the +1 from all out does not...
nope 3 rippers buffed in such a way deal 2-6 damage with 0-2 of those being mortals. 3-7 if you use bloat toad with 1-3 of them being MW
I use heavily modified star priests. They are Wizards and they are from cities so...
You are right, my bad
armored crest doesn't work againsed monsters. the unit needs 5 models in it to provide the bonus
a bit.:D don't tell anyone, thats technically insider trading
only if you own GW stock. if you do it's in the share holders report
then do
New kroak sold better than any two of the other models released at the same time combined