shrug off damage makes him weaker but he still does well
no buffs what so ever just flat model
damage difference is 4ish the reason you take him is because he is cool.
he is a named hero he can not take artifacts command abilities prayers or spells
are you just doing CA or will spells be added?
ima steal this now
a really big buff is the addition of cities to our allies list. there is so much awesome to be had bringing them in
just take a normal priest... you get all the benifits you mentioned at 1 3rd the price and none of the negatives
you are spending 225 points for a priest(80) a bad combat model(120 but lets be honest you're not getting all 120 points out of him) and 4 REALLY...
legend is where they dump any old models they don't want to suport any more
it should but a lot of people say it doesn't
go nuts bud you have about a month untill the faq fixes that. enjoy it
yep and with thunder lizards mauled to the point of none entitly in the lore us loosing sylvaneth is not a surprise. that said cities is a much...
nope they are still terrible. oh also coherency rules kick them while they are down
core rule book
it's due to it being judged in a vacuum. 3rd no longer allows multiple effects to go off on a 6 so units that give such buffs are overall less...
mmm go back and look bud the things we said where useless are still useless. we never said seraphon where terrible(or at least not the reasonable...
well thats how it goes. we had a good run about a year of us being good when no one could play. much better then i expected