5+ ward is going to be what you want 90% of the time
ard boys +20 brutes +50 gore gruntas +30 fist of gork +60 maw krusha +80?!? magaboss +20 warchanta -10 shaman +10 Idol +60 wow poor brutes. they...
yep the problem is it is now much much harder to stack some of the buffs but if you can do so it goes a long way to curb the over abundance of...
this one still has much to learn
no one is afraid of being alone in the dark. they are afraid of NOT being alone in the dark
this would be very helpful. cheat sheets are great
you know. a vampire is just a cannibal on a liquid diet.
ok lets put this into even better context. you are more likely for the the following to happen then kroak killing himself. about as likely to die...
yes no the rule of one now applies to CA and changing the target does not change that. 2 at best salamanders might be getting the single key word
over all very solid critique but i will continue to stomp this when ever it comes up. the chance of Kroak killing himself with a bad cast is...
remember getting curse off requires you to be within 9" of a enemy unit that you want to use it on in your hero phase. this must be done with a...
the GHB will have the core rules. so petty much just that
you know. Your car keys have traveled farther than your car
yep there are some allowances for kitbashing with 75% of the model has to be GW. this is mostly so people can swap heads or weapons
no they FaQed this
might be in the GHB/prophiles books
they do not and so can not you are stuck using heroes to buff them
yes you get them in both
unbuffed guard get 20 halberds and 10 bights this goes out to 5-9 damage max 13 min 2 spear warriors get 40 attacks 10 bights(so it goes up if you...
Even unbuffed 20 warriors are better then 10 guard