The whole discussion about character assassin role kind of works against a redirector role. I just do not see that very much especially since the...
So much depends on the meta game and what you have difficulty dealing with in your battles. The presence of skink poison shooting and S5 TG means...
Don't you have to put it all in context? TG are worth their points. They have some bad matchups but are clearly superior to almost all core...
We'd gone over this issue in a few other threads> 1 Razordon = 4.5 effective wounds with 5+ unsaved wounds going to remove handlers and 5+ AS, T4...
I hate to do this, but the proponent of this thread is not an experience player with familiarity of a variety of settings and experience working...
It makes a lot of senses if you take channeling staff and channleing discipline Harmonic Convergence to run becalming. The biggest thing to...
The point about MR1 plus 4+ ward on cauldron is valid but spirit leech uses the unmodified LD of the target (which is a single model) not the...
What lists are you playing? I did not see unitl after the reply where the army has an oldblood on carni and, thus no slann. That is kind of a...
As a Dark Elf player, I actually don't like the witch elf horde with or without cauldron match up with a monster mash LM army with stegs and...
I absolutely agree Fusilli with your point. In fact, the first time someone said that the Slann had to accept the challenge or be sent back to...
Sleboda gave good advice. The mentioned list of models and units is pretty sound, except that I would add some Krox for a small flanking unit...
Re: Limits on Arcane Unforging Targetting Magic Standard Bea Yeah, RipperDerek, we have beaten this horse to death. But in response to...
[@olderplayer: Concerning Monster Reaction see Question #33, all handlers have to be removed before a Monster Reaction Test is required (so 1...
A basic "heart" of a net list would probably be: Core: A unit of 25 to 35 saurus with full command (spears or swords as opton). The remainder of...
A lot of good work. I migth disagree to a minor extent with a few in terms of whether an absolute yes or no is appropriate but it is not worth...
One dice. You forget the spell and choose the common lore you want the new spell from and roll one die to see what spell you get.
Re: Limits on Arcane Unforging Targetting Magic Standard Bea Let me clarify the issue: 1. It is the unit the buys a standard and can then...
Pit of shades scatters and is not a signature spell but given the footprint will usually hit the dragon. If it hits the dragon, both the mount...
I play both armies. I do not run a star dragon simply because a boosted amber spear or cannon hit will hurt it enough to limit is effectiveness...
Most brett armies at 2400 have a damsel with MR1 and a prophetess with MR2, The ability to hide them in the middle of the second rank of a lance...