The cauldron can only make way if not in the unit when charging and probably cannot otherwise siince a cauldron is a chariot and should not be...
One comment. Until FAQ, there will be an open debate as to whether the death hag and the two crew on the cauldron can use their extra hand weapon...
As a Dark Elf player, some comments: (+ means better for points cost with new rules; - means worse for points cost with new rules than before)...
Sometimges execs are run in a large unit with a death hag BSB with the asf banner (Banner of Hag Grief) (probably will change with the new book)....
Re: I apparently have no clue how to play, can I get some he I agree lore of metal is a logical solution to the stank and empire knights (demi...
We've thought a lot about getting newbies into the game. Some of the issues GW is having with WHFB are the upfront cost in time and money...
With the lower leadership now, skinks are often better standing and shooting than fleeing in some instances. With stand and shoot, you want to...
While I like the 8 signature spells option in many instances, I think Loremaster High Magic is under-rated. You want to take Soul ot Stone with...
A horde has a lot of limitations in terms of being baited and redirected and delayed (especially with the PF special rule). Thus, you really need...
On the loremaster high magic and not choosing high magic. Beyond being kind of silly, I don't think you can choose a lore different from the lore...
On the can only attack Kroxigors, the issue is that the way it was written was ambuigous and probably needs an FAQ to clarify. There are a...
While it is entirely likely that they will issue an FAQ or errata to clarify this issue, I would not count on it. The same question arose in...
I did an analysis of the points value of Chakax. He costs almost twice as much as he should. He special abilities and ward save are only active...
I saw people saying he cannot join a unit and was aware of that. I assume that there is a very high probability that GW will fix the obvious...
Only Terradons. Doesn't make sense. It is rippers that you want to be able to ambush with. Terradons get flying cav, so they are better...
I posted some of this on another thread but though it deserves its own thread: I will edit and add to this. Lord Kroak: Compare him with a...
Compare him with a similar 400 point Slann. He gets +1 to ward saves (worth about 15ss or mroe going from 4+ to 3+ ward). He makes the unit -1...
Agreed with 2. The precendent is poison, where you get poison on the re-rolls to hit as well. The rule as written says you get one exra attack...
The Fast Dice recommendation is trumped by the rules that one must separately allocate attacks to different models with different characteristics....
Re: Caneghem's Review of the New Lizardmen! Update: Heroes a Realy it is my son's idea. He plays a "light" slann with a kitted oldblood in his...