he gets irresistable on any roll of a double but only if he meets the casting value of the spell. This still sucks though because he only needs to...
Has anyone come up against this and what works. the second i get close, my slann unit gets nailed by a dwellers irresistably. i only have...
i think the battalion box is definitely a great buy with the increase in temple guard and cold one prices, its just a nice deal all around. I...
just got back from my local shop. I'm impressed by the models actually, the details are more sharp and crisp. Fur and feathers and such are much...
no :rage: :mad: :mad: :clown: :droid: :blackalien: :astronaut: :bag: :spiderman: :meh: :beaver: :pigeon: :chicken: :chicken: :D...
another really good one is: sword of anti-heroes armor of fortune crown of command shield gives him a 1+ armor, a 5+ ward, a bonus to attack and...
because they are amazing...
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update May 6th***) wow! great work with it so far it looks awesome :) i showed it to my brother and his...
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update May 6th***) how many stegadon kits did you have to go through to get all the bitz???
i just looked at the FAQ for chakax and was wondering if its that the opponent in a challenge gets the Always strike last special rule or if they...
the sepelcre stalkers are definitely a big issue but if you throw poison at them they should die pretty easily with only the 5+ AS. Same goes with...
im painting mine in stages, its loads easier to paint them this way and a lot quicker too
hey congrats on getting on the "whats new today" blog :D
oldblood -sword of strife -potion of strength -armor of fortune -dragonbane gem -shield He has 7 Attacks at strength5(8) a 1+ armor, 5+ ward, 2+...
yeah salamanders are win :D i do have a question as to why people run them in packs of two or three when on their own they have greater flexibility :/
i love it when stuff like this happens :) one time my THREEd reg skinks multishot at a bloodthirster with two wounds left. It had the obsidian...
i think they are making all the point costs of the big monsters less to allow people to use them more frequently to increase sales :rolleyes:...
yeah against dwarfs a steg is useless. I second the opinion for more skinks(chameleons preferrably) or maybe a skrox unit(s).
i find that it gives more flexibility to split them up :) Also maybe look into just a regular steg instead of the ancient and boost the smaller...
what is the point value of the list?