Yea, I thought it was too good to be true too. 281 is him with a cold one. Unfortunately its 461 with a t-rex.
Yea, it effects everyone, but it ends at the start of the next magic phase, so your opponent never gets a chance to benefit. Never mind. It's the...
I'm with you on this. Most of the time people will have life, or possibly light on their slann. I also sometimes see bane head coupled with this....
We all have an imagination though. The movement tray is for looks only. If there is a unit behind my templeguard, of course people can shoot at...
No lords done yet, I will probably paint them last. The temple guard are sprayed white, just to try it out really. But they are painted the same...
I'm mainly a Beastman player, but I'm considering switching to Lizards for 8th ed. In the meantime, I'll keep painting the army. To view the...
If he brings any monsters, your skinks will tear them apart. Beastmen rares have no armour at all. 6s on your to hit roll from your skinks will...
There are a couple of units now that have changed for the better (not that they were bad choices before). I think cold one cav are going to...
I'm assuming you're giving the Slann the discipline banner to make him Ld10 ?