Technically they're already in Warhammer... check the rulebook, all the rules are right there. Now lots of tournaments don't allow them, but...
I guess I would be nervous about it on a goblin because of the whole stupidity thing (the hat causes the model to be stupid, right? Am I...
I suppose that I'm more convinced by the BSB becoming a non-option for who is general when it is assigned. Thus, that's a character that doesn't...
As for the General/BSB debate, isn't BSB something that you decide in list creation but General something that happens when the models hit the...
There's your problem. Saurus blocks should be pointed right at the foe and marching. Standard 24" wide deployment That means 8" march turn one, 8"...
I avoided miscasts in my Slaan by being certain to get an older metal one. The finecast is too prone to oddities and bubbling in the plastics for...
I think there's more variation than that tho. If we take it that the addition of Kroxigor makes a skink cohort a very different unit (different...
I think there's plenty of diversity with the lizardmen core. By my count, there are about six reasonable variations to choose from before we even...
What is interesting to me is less the names of units in other army books, but rather talking about general types of "power builds" that might be...
In my non-Lizardmen experience (newish to Lizards here) I find that large base 25mm infantry work particularly well in 6 wide formations, so I...
Considering panic thresholds can be useful, and 13 is indeed a decent spot in that regard. That said, I don't think that it's worth it. Especially...
Okay, I'm glad you confirmed that n810--it seemed to be present in a lot of what I have read here. A bad model for a good unit inspires lots of...
Base looks really good, and I like the effort in shading the two teeth/horns that are set in the shield. It's little things like that which could...
I'm rather new at Lizardmen myself and appreciate this discussion of the Battalion box for the army. I wanted to understand a bit more of why Cold...
I was actually trying to address the prior poster's rejection of Cold Ones and support your use of them--as I envisioned exactly what you...
Still working on getting my army to the tabletop, so I'm saying this only as someone who has faced lizardmen cold ones on occasion: heavy cav can...
Greetings. I'm a long-time lurker, but finally decided to pull the trigger on painting some of my lizardmen models I've accumulated over the years...