This is the exact same way of thinking when I see models on eBay advertised as "Pro painted!!!" Sure, they may be pretty, but its not yours...
Re: Next AOW lizardman Is that club tail? In regards to the hand, I think an open palm touching the ground would look good IMO.
Re: Next AOW lizardman No I was going to buy the krox... Anyway, this thorny devil one is awesome. I want.
To your CoC question: I think you need to hit on a 7. I don't have the rule book with me right now, but that's how I've been playing.
If you have got the battalion set, I suggest you get some sort of hero/champion; whether it be old blood or scar vet.
Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen I notice that one of the saurus has a red crest instead of blue. Accident?
@ caprasauridae: Don't be. I find that picture to be extremely useful as reference. Thank you for it.
Looking forward to it!!! I love looking at paint logs
As a general rule, I always try to use 3 different colours: - 1 main colour - a complementary colour for accent (under belly) - another "detail"...
Yeah, I buy things from eBay as well and most cheap stuff are labelled "gift" to avoid stupid customs.
Since you already have the CoC block, I think you can get away with just skrox units. If you don't feel all that comfortable with just skrox...
Is this tournament for fun or is it a serious one? I usually can't resist pitting my saurus blocks with other tough things, such as the dwarves...
Special materials require special paints :D I'd recommend iridescent paints:
Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Update 1/7 - Carnosaur conversio Yeah I think the purple colour is a bit too saturated but hey, it's OK in my...
I don't know which section this goes, but I'm just wondering what you use to store and carry your army around. Also, if you have a table set up at...
Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Update 1/7 - Carnosaur conversio Wow that turns out to be a lot better than expected. Well done.
You can always mummify them.
Don't worry too much. Sure it may look a bit bland at the moment but after you're done with the eyes, teeth, claws and all the golden stuff you'll...
AFAIK, having a bigger base is a disadvantage in most situations. Obviously not as maneuverable and you can get attacked by more models.
I didn't know the swarm has a baby razordon... Anyway, well done; particularly on the saurus warriors. I especially like the red crested one. Very...