Thanks everybody who's willing to help us Aussies. eBay is my friend right now, just got a stegadon for AUD35 yay!
You're right about the skirmishers. I personally don't equate them to range units but yes, I agree with you 90% (the other 10% being the razordon...
2). Pros of LM army: strong backbone units, awesome magic Cons: slow, low Initiative, not a lot of range units
I, for one, welcome the finecast on SOME models. That is, models which are tricky to assemble in metal such as the terradons and the slann. But...
This might be too late, but may I suggest using a lavender colour instead of the blue that you've chosen? When you said Greek I immediately think...
I know I'll proxy to the best of my ability. There are a lot of nice models out there. I like the look of the semi-biped dinosaurs, like hadrosaurs or (arguably) stegosaurs. In fact,...
The palanquin looks like its made out of sandstone. Fits perfectly with your Greek/Mediterranean theme.
I use a mixture of paint, water and a bit of dish-washing soap. Without the dish-washing soap you will get more like a stain than a wash. Don't...
Heh, I thought you're going for the lava red look. How about a drybrush over the red to highlight the edges a bit? If you think that will make it...
Hmm... not too fond of the red you chose. It's just looking a bit dull at the moment....
I did shade them with burnt sienna (I think the colour is similar to griffon sepia), its just not showing up on the photos, like the pearlescent.
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far. (Jungle bridge) lol skink being chased by a pack of raptors. Looks straight out of a Jurassic Park movie!...
And thus another paint blog has spawned. I'm using artist's acrylics to paint instead of the more popular Citadel/Vallejo/coat d' arms/etc....
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far. (Jungle bridge) Use varnish on the wood to make it look older?
HAHA yes my birthday is a week after all those new models are out.
Ever thought of including your cavalry into the list? Sure, they're not brettonian quality, but I've had good experience in using them.
I try to always have 2 block of saurus warriors, and their main purpose is to lock an enemy unit in close combat for as long as possible.
Cool. Beats my pen n paper method :P
You'll do a lot of people some good if you do a salamander or terradon. Both of these models currently look too serpent-like and not enough dino...