I've had a look at the grey knight codex at my local GW, and... wow. Heres the lowdown: HQ: LOTS of choices: Brother Captain, Grand Master,...
To the first question: The oldblood on horned one would become stupid; in fact, if even one model in a unit is stupid, the whole unit has to take...
Iggy's right, its an illegal build; you have two enchanted items on that Oldblood, pick one or the other.
Yeah, unfortunately I don't have any Salamanders (blasphemy, I know). Basically, I'm trying to use the models I have (I am planning to invest in...
Heres the list that I'll be using to play the staff at my local GW: Lords: Oldblood -shield -Armor of Destiny -Ogre Blade Heroes: Skink Priest...
I'd try the ASF sword and the Dawnstone; re-rolling armor saves is always nice :)
Those are the exact kinds of units you DON'T want horded. Goblins, skaven(slaves) and zombies should have as many ranks as possible, since they...
But when it says "Bound Daemon", is that actually in the rules, or is it just describing it as such? If the latter, then no, it is NOT affected by...
Switch transcendent healing for Becalming cogitation, you already have a 4+ ward save, so the regen is useless since you can only save with one or...
I'm pretty sure the lore attribute for lore of light can't affect anything in the warriors of chaos army book, since, if memory serves, it...
It specifically says in the magic banners section of the BRB that a character may not take a magic banner unless they are the BSB, so no to...
A good way to kill a grey seer on screaming bell, I think, would be to just challenge the grey seer; I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the...
I usually just go Ironcurse Icon on my champion, and either razor standard or sun standard on the unit. As for the Other Tricksters Shard, no it...
Personally, my favorite parts are the scales and the bone-spikes on him. Really nice!
My local GW is having a 250 point Hero battle, and i have no idea what to bring. Any suggestions would be great. Some things to keep in mind: Only...
To Gor-Rok: Actually, the divine plaque of protection only gives you a 2+ ward against shooting of any kind, and Magic Missiles, so unless Fate of...
Are you planning on playing with that? Because a Skink Chief can't legally be mounted on a carnosaur, plus that would probably just look plain silly.
Personally, I use Gor-Rok a lot, mainly because he makes his unit stubborn. Plus, you can't really compare Skulltaker and the Masque to anything...
What about Snoop Frogg? Or Slaanilla Ice? Ooh, ooh, how about Priest Diddy?
Well, Tepoksthirdeye, a carnosaur head is probably out of the question, since its attached to the body. Anyway, I think I am just about done with...