Do you know where can I find the FAQ?
You're right there! My bad.. Anyways, terradons also cause fear, so (non-dwarf) war machine crew might have a bad time failing their fear check.
I think you're forgetting the stomp attack from the terradons, 3 stomps at st4 should do some additional damage. Personally I think rippers are to...
I think I'll be going for the terradons then. They just seem to have a more distinct role in our army.. I think rippers need a couple of battles...
Hey guys, Yesterday in all my excitement I bought the new armybook together with a terradon/ripperdactyl box. Now I'm wondering what will be the...
Does anyone know when the new boxes are in store? Directly by release of the WD or..?
Is it just me? I seem to notice that these 6th ed tg bigger than our current plastic tg. They look more robust.
Do you guys also water down your paint so much?
If this really is the real deal, I'm very pleased! Looks pretty ferocious, can't wait to see the whole model and actually the upcoming lizardmen...
I don't think GW gives LM a stone thrower or a warmachine of any kind. It wouldn't be very lizzie anyway I think.. At the other hand, I've read...
What I really hope to see, besides a big dino and carno cavalry, is a new unit of special saurus infantry! Just like high elves have several...
Personally I've basecoated my bases with Lustrian Undergrowth and gave it a highlight with Zandri Dust. I don't know how fancy you want your base...
Thanks for your quick replies! My original idea was to highlight the skin with white build up from light blue, but I couldn't really do that...
Hey ya'll, Not so long ago I started playing warhammer again after a 5-year break or something. I've played many armies (high/dark elves, skaven,...
Qupakoco, Why would you like to see new terradons, aren't they just fine the way they are? Is there a difference between citadel finecast and...
Hi all! My name is Snellius and after a break of about 4-5 years I again picked up the hobby! Of course I've chosen the greatest army that one...