I typically only take a small handful of the Magic Items allotted in the Main Rulebook, unless I'm playing with Orcs & Goblins and have a dozen...
Re: High Elf Tactica, Revised for the new Book (detailed) Nice stuff! I really love these threads. I've only fought the new HE with Orcs & Dark...
Re: The Venom Legion of Quetza (Salamanders and Terradon add Very well-done green colours! Lizardmen are one of those armies where seemingly...
I find it often better to focus on killing the units that come with the Vampires & Mages, rather than trying to kill a Lord who will eat yours...
Oh yeah, and fun note: I was 100 points under budget, because I accidentally wrote down my Salamander unit cost as 325 points instead of 225 :)....
Some notes: * Unit of the game was actually my normal Stegadon- the Engine drew most of the fire, and the Steg saw off a unit of Marauders just...
Had a pretty fun, fast-paced battle today. I got lucky and my opponent got unlucky, but it was still pretty balanced at points. The deployment...
Nice stuff here- I just fought a Chaos army, and won pretty handily thanks to some lucky rolling and careful tactics. The Khorne Knights are...
Yeah, that's basically the thing- Lizardmen have some of the best troops in the game in their Core & Special, a nigh-unbreakable Temple Guard...
I definitely imagine a new "Giant Centrepiece" model, because EVERY army is getting those. In our case, it could be a new Slann model kit (though...
BATTLE REPORT: LIZARDMEN (vs) VAMPIRE COUNTS (3,000 points) My army: Characters: Slann (Lore of Light, Loremaster, Extra Power Dice, BSB, War...
Yeah, unfortunately the best thing to do with a kitted-out Vampire Lord is skoosh the unit he's with- focus all your magic/Salamanders on it, and...
I tend to have hit & miss ability with Skinks. Given that they're a weak, cheap unit, it makes sense that they often just get wiped out. In my...
Okay, that's helpful info- thanks. My only issue then is that the game is FULL of large units of Infantry now, making it likely that Skroxigor...
Hah, my friend was upset- he played all of one game with his Chaos army and it's elite 40-man Horde of Marauders with the Mark of Nurgle &...
Stuff I would like to see (ie. Wish List). Even half of this would make me happy, since they probably won't do all of it: 1) A lesser choice of...
Really nice, interesting stuff so far! Thanks! I've had the occasional success with my Kroxigor- I LOVE the unit, though found it tactically...
I had some major luck against my friend's Vampire Counts today- 3000 point battle in which I killed all his units by Turn 5. Luck played heavily...
Cool- thanks for the suggestions! It's a pity about the Saurus Cav (I used to love taking a unit of 10 to scare my enemy into shooting them & my...
I had a lot of luck with a Skink Standard made up of gear from the Stegadon model. It's got the "Pole" Skink Arm with the half-circle thing with...