The most important part is a red color BEFORE the wash! Don't forget that ;). Using devlan mud on pink will just get you white that looks like it...
So how about - cover base in sand and paint - cut out pieces of cereal box and stick them on (print side up? print side down? this looks a bit...
Ah, d'oh. That's the think I keep forgetting =P.
I only recently started so I don't know the details, but this is pretty obvious: white + red = pink. What you wanna do is first paint your models...
Ah, thanks! Now I get it :)
But blowpipes are a 12" weapon, doesn't that mean that within 6-12 you get that +1 to hit for large weapons negating the long range, but after 12"...
Hiya, I want to do my bases with not just 'jungle' but something with the temples. I found these bases I really like: from...
... but apparently people do it, so here's mine. Hi! I'm new to Warhammer and new to lizardmen. I first started a while ago because my boyfriend...
What does US stand for? o.O
Where did you get the 18" from? Do you always get extra range on large targets or something? (Still pretty new to the game and still learning new...
Thanks a lot! This raises some new questions though: If the champion is specifically targetted and there are more wounds then the champion has,...
Hiya, I'm pretty new to warhammer so there's still quite a few things I don't know yet. Yesterday I was playing with my friend and we couldn't...
Dude If you use interpunction (capitals and dots) it's MUCH easier to read. Apart from that, nice idea :)
Looks very hard to reach... My standard way of scraping with a stanley knife wouldn't work...
Where do you see pink? o.O
I"m pretty sure the items you take count as points towards the total but i've only played 3 matches so far so i'm probably not the most reliable...
I'll stick with black then!
Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for and I even like the answer (blowpipes are way cooler ;))
Hiya, I recently started Warhammer (Empire) but I figured I'd see if I like lizardmen better. I hardly play the game but I like the painting, so...
Thanks for the extensive replies :). I really like your idea of making every unit a little different with a returning colour. That means I could...