I know the bases you mean but the Salamanders aren't the same. They are models that you glue the feet directly to a square base.
haha I did understand what was meant, I was just confused that an American car would ever have connotations of high quality! Even my Mantic...
Does anyone know if there is any official GW artwork of Lord Mazdamundi please? I have a mind to make him as I have a spare Stegadon so would...
Don't worry, I often have the same reaction when I'm looking at painters that are more experienced than me. Just read as much as you can, look...
Legend! Just bought some.
They're amazing!! How did you get the dots on the eyes?
They are as easy as breathing compared to ranking up Mantic's Salamander models! After the hell I went through with the Salamanders, the...
Key words in that post: "a long time". Rookie mistake on my part... All sorted! :oops: Glued into troops with self-adhesive magnetic rubber on...
@Crowsfoot - How do you do 'normal' bases please? I've got sand but the PVA glue doesn't seem to stick it down - I even put a watered down pva...
Thank you! Although I may have cheated a little bit by using GW Dry paints... Basecoated White Scar then Flash Gitz Yellow heavily diluted with...
Thanks to @Crowsfoot for explaining how to make a molten lava base! (I've done the rocks slightly incorrectly, but I won't make the same mistake...
I'm intrigued by this comment - how were the Finecast Resin models an 'utter failure for the company? I prefer finecast resin over metal, and...
Haha Whatever floats your boat! The Ankylodon's defenders only ever suggest that he is 10-20 points overcosted, but I would only really consider...
Thank you! However proud I am of the paint job on the Ankylodon, I'm not going to lose battles just to show him off :p If he had a 50x50 base I...
Speed 6 on what? The Ankylodon is Sp6! I'm not saying that he is terrible in absolutely every situation, and I grant that against Earth...
And this is where I got to with my Ankylodon before I decided he was too crap to field! I'll finish the howdah cloth, rope highlighting and mouth...
Regiment of Ghekkotah Warriors finally finished! [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
But the relatively small base means it's easily avoidable. Even worse, as mentioned before, the type of units that you would want to be holding...
But if even him performing 'really well' doesn't earn his points back, surely that means you should drop him?? There are some units that get some...
I can't see what games I would ever play him in! I posted my thoughts on the unit on the Mantic forums: "In the 4 or 5 battles I've had it has...