After all of the grief I went through to paint the Ankylodon, I've now dropped him from my list! He's just too useless to justify so a few big...
Few more battles, few more changes, and probably the biggest changes to date. The Ankylodon, one unit of Ghekkotah Warriors and a few additions...
I've swapped around my list only a little but my opponents have changed theirs massively, so it's the same end result. And the chance of me...
What do you mean mixing and matching?
I've posted this on the Mantic Forum, but I thought I would post it on here as well in case some Sally players are more active here than there:...
You shouldn't put them off, they're really easy and quick to paint. Honest, mate.
That's remarkably detailed, well done! I'm also liking the more earthy, realistic colour scheme. I can't tell due to the quality level of the...
You could always move over to Kings of War? Both armies are fully catered for and the rules are much tighter and strategically interesting....
'Just the howdah to go!' he thought. 'Now the body's done I'm basically finished!' he thought. WHY THE HELL ARE THERE SO MANY TEENSIE WEENSIE...
If I was going to mess with the numbers I would have stuck them to a plastic sheet the size of troops. As is, if I started taking people out, the...
Honestly, I'm shocked it was ever an analogy.
No, I'm using the actual amount. I'm trying to avoid magnets on / in each base is that it will be a huge amount of effort. The beauty of KoW is...
My thought there though is that you either have to stick then into regiments / hordes (which I don't want to do to allow flexibility between...
I'm finally getting round to the point where I need to base my Kings of War army. Each of the miniatures is as provided, using the bases they...
Having to stare so intently for so long has made my eyes feel violated, but at least I'm pretty much done with the body! I'm going to do the...
Someone, on some forum, I can't remember where, said that GW's Stegadon was their favourite Seraphon model. If they have ever painted one, that...
Herald (Hrath Flamespitter) & Mage Priest: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Ok, that looks amazing, thank you! Each dry brush lighter than the last one? Or the same weight for each?
1 x Ankylodon 1 x Horde of Primes (nearly all basecoated) 1 x Regiment of Primes 1.5 x Regiment of Ghekkotah Warriors 1 x Troop of Hunters So...
I would really appreciate it if you could do a base in the way you first described please? Fire and lava is always hottest and brightest at the...