Well that sounds interesting. I wish we'd talked before I base coated the Fire Drake's base in dark grey! Have you got examples of models with...
However much I would like to mess around with the base and learn new techniques, I don't have time if I want to hit the Clash of Kings deadline...
Thank you! I know it's rather egotistical to say so but I am really rather pleased with them, particularly the Fire Drake. These are the first...
Lekelidon: [ATTACH]
Fire Drake: [ATTACH]
I look forward to seeing them!
Surely as soon as he's played a single game of KoW he'll realise that 40k is a simplistic, point-and-shoot game with a complete absense of any...
I have just received this in a marketing email from Mantic and thought I would share it with fellow Sally players! The first chance I'll get is...
The upper skin and scales are Castellan Green, then Biel-Tan Green shade (which creates the jade tone rather than true green), then Loren Forest...
As at some point I will be getting some beautiful models from @woogity (although I am rather low down the list so it may be some time......
p.s. @protector - is there any chance that orders that have been fulfilled could be formatted differently in the list on the first page please?...
Could I add 2 x Rex on a Horned Stalker to my order please?
I've had a few more battles recently, two 2000pts vs Kingdoms of Man and one 2000pts vs The Elves, as well as a smaller, 1000pts vs Salamanders....
Hi Banshee! The red and blue ones are Mantic Salamanders, the orange ones are Games Workshop Skinks and the green ones are Games Workshop Cold...
Thank you! My concern is that it's going so slowly I'm going to struggle to get them all finished to a standard I'm happy with my the tournament...
Ugh - army still coming on slowly! Ghekkotah I thought I'd go for orange, with the same colour scales as my Salamanders as they are related...
Fred le gaucher posted on the Mantic Forums a link to brilliantly helpful google sheet that calculated how many wounds each of your units should...
There is a fantastic post on the Mantic Forums sharing a Google Sheet that calculates the average number of wounds that will be caused by a single...
Paint the other 58 of them. Then move on to the 40 Ghekkotah and everything else. This is going be hell by the end...!
So, I decided to be utterly boring and go for (nearly) the standard colour scheme! As these are the first models I have painted in 14 years (and...