As a young teen my 'painting' was more properly described as 'bash-it-on-and-play', with a couple of techniques like drybrushing to stop them...
I know it might be some time, but at least I've got some models to keep me going. If my army was entirely empty trays I might reconsider, but as...
I'm trying to avoid multibasing for now - I'm only just getting back into miniature modelling / wargaming after a 14-or-so year break, so starting...
That's a shame! Salamanders have a pretty weak special character compared to most other armies, especially considering she only inspires...
Thank you for both of those responses - they really help! I wasn't expecting a correct answer, mainly because there won't be one; I was just...
What are people's takes on Rhinosaurs specifically? What models are people using to represent them? They seem to be described as larger than...
I started another thread about Hrath (here) - I found out that yes he is the hero from DS, but that then raises more questions. If you have any...
Right, I've finally found a reference on 1d4chan: "Hrrath Flamespitter A Salamader fighter. His people were violent and war-like, not uncommon...
Mantic have released a Salamander hero called 'Hrrath Flamespitter', but I can't find reference to that character in any list or fluff. Does...
Does the Salamander hero in Dungeon Saga have a name? They have released a Salamander hero model called 'Hrath Flamespitter' as part of a box set...
I'm currently buying stuff to make a Salamanders army. Does anyone who has played with the army a few times have any suggestions as to whether...
As far as I am aware, the fluff in the Unchartered Empires is the only fluff there is. If anyone finds anything new it would be appreciated!
Different tribes? I've read the Salamanders info in Unchartered Empires a number of times but couldn't find a mention. Is there more information...
I understand that this may arguably come under 'painting', but it is Salamander-specific so I thought I'd put it in here. I was wondering whether...